Friday, April 24, 2020

Scott sent a notice that I "Need Attention." But, I'm a hermit by nature.  I am counting the days I've been contained in the house.  Fifty-three.  However, people bring groceries by, call to see if I need anything and Becky and Pat have had me over for dinner a few times. (Thank all of you for your notes.)

I take my own plate, fork, disinfectant and eat the hot food--not cold--which has all the "bugs" killed.  Six feet distance as well.  But conversation is good and other than that, it's okay.  I keep a folding chair on my porch and people take it out six feet away from the porch.  I sit on the stoop and we visit.

One interesting thing, for the first time ever, I use up all the charge on my phone every day.  Almost everyone calls--people I haven't heard from in years.  I had the longest conversation with my brother the other day that I have ever had in my life.  We had a good time reminiscing the '50's before I married Ken.  Bill is 5.5 years younger than me. 

Old people love memories from the past.  You aren't concerned with how you look now--everything droops and sags anyway.  You don't have to go to work.  You aren't looking for a job.  You already know what and who you are going to be when you grow up.  If you were wise with your savings, you have a little money coming in every month.  Only thing you have to do every day is take your pills and figure out which part of you that you need to put a patch on.

Physically you are falling apart, but mentally you are wise. (If dementia doesn't get you.) You know how to do things.  You know how to deal with crisis.  You don't worry very much.  As Ken said, you get up every day with nothing to do and go to bed with it half done.  Biggest decision every day is deciding what you aren't going to do today. Don't do anything you can put off untill tomorrow! 

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