Monday, April 20, 2020

I'm starting to write book number five--and number 1 book still isn't in the book stores.  It is all so slow.  However, things are moving along.

I got a bill for over $450.00 from AT&T last week.  About had a heart attack.  I'm one of those old-timers that likes to get my bills in the mail, open the envelope and look at it on paper.  We are a vanishing breed.  

Only problem is, I never think about any of the bills if I don't get one in the mail, and our postman is notorious for leaving mail in random boxes up and down the street.  Some people bring yours to you; some people just trash your mail and you never know anything is missing.

Whatever--I didn't get the phone bill for a couple of months, and never thought about it.  Called AT&T, they cancelled the late fees, got it taken care of.

Someone asked why I don't just let payment be automatic.  I got a water bill a couple of years ago in the $200's when it is usually under 50.  There was no reason.  If I hadn't looked at the bill, I wouldn't have looked for an answer. 

Someone who put a shed up against the fence in the backyard before I bought the house had built it over a sprinkler head.  The head failed, and had been running water under the fence into the neighbor's yard.  I never would have looked for the problem if I hadn't looked at the bill.  There was no indication of a water leak in my yard and my neighbor never went into her back yard and didn't notice.

Which reminds me.  It's time to turn the sprinkling system on.  It froze last week, but the weatherman PROMISES that is behind us.

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