Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Today....finally....UPS is delivering the final edited copy of the book I wrote that the publisher and I have reviewed, reviewed and reviewed.  Word after word after word.  I had no idea how hard this would be.  I have to read it one more time to insure there are no mistakes and sign off on it.

It was supposed to published last September.  Didn't happen.  And now with the pandemic, who know when it will hit the bookstores.  I'm supposed to be in all the small book stores, Barnes and Nobel, etc. to sign books.  Not gonna' happen any time soon.  I'm quarantined like everyone else.  Bookstores are closed--so quarantine doesn't make much difference one way or another.

Millions of lives have been interrupted in similar ways.

Amazon will be the source of purchase most probably.  Which will be Antiseptically non-personal.  It is what it is.  We'll get there eventually.  Hope I'm still around when it happens in fifty-umpteen years.  Keep you posted....

I am still in my house doing nothing and going to bed with it half done--as Ken used to say.  I put all mail and paper products that come through the front door on the dining room table--to sit and wait for four days before I open them.  Wash and Disinfect my hands after I bring things in.

My neighbors have been stellar--calling before they go to the store to see if I need anything.  Refrigerated or plastic items come in the front door and are immediately wiped down with disinfectant.  I think I am being super careful.

You be careful, too.  


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