Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Squig just ran to hide.  It thundered so he knows the rain is coming.  I'll have to give him a tranquilizer.  

Just saw a report of the "world."  Smog, carbon in the atmosphere, temperature--things are better for mother earth because we aren't pumping carbon into the atmosphere.  Maybe It's His creation of earth that God is concerned about--and all we care about is us.  Maybe he is giving earth a chance to breathe--by shutting us down?

We certainly have healthier air to breathe with people staying home and not driving their cars.  Smog is down--drastically.  But it is killing the oil business.  There is nowhere to store the oil they are pumping up and no body wants to buy it.  Where do you put oil when the tanks are full?  You have to quit pumping and oil jobs go south.

Russia and Saudi have only one major export.  Oil.  Maybe God is going to put both of those countries out of business??  America will survive, we will drive again.  Those countries may not??  Who knows.

Last time I saw anything like this was in newsreels at the movies (No TV back then) of people standing in lines for hours for a bowl of soup.  They had "Soup Kitchens" back then.  Everything imaginable was put into the soup.

Horse meat was sold in grocery stores.  Mole traps.  Squirrel traps.  Rat traps.  People will eat anything when they are hungry.  Poke Sallet and dandelion greens were healthy weeds.  I found a poke weed coming up in my flower bed yesterday.  Most people wouldn't know what it was.  A little bacon grease and you have dinner.

We're about to find out what we are made of.

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