Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Today is going to be tomato planting day for the third time.  I've been able to save a few plants by digging them up and bringing them inside, but it's a pain.  Scott sent me a dozen more plants last weekend.  So I hope this time is successful and it doesn't freeze again.  Okra is up.  It looks pitiful, but you can't kill okra.  

I read a book yesterday that Ann gave me that was awesome.  "Before we Were Yours."  by Lisa Wingate.  About a factual person who stole children and sold them for adoption to rich families.  Factual fiction.  It was really good.

I read the book of Joel and Amos in the Bible last night.  You don't need to do it but once.  I don't know why I've been reading all these minor prophets again.  I just thought I might have missed something.  I didn't.  I'll read the letters Paul wrote twenty times each again instead.

Squig and I made it around the block yesterday.  He is such a chicken.  There was a tree trimmer with a truck parked along the sidewalk and I had to drag my poor dog past it.  He had his butt stuck to the sidewalk and wouldn't pick up his feet and walk.  It's a wonder the leash didn't choke him.

This is day 49 in the house for me.  After a while, this is going to get old.  I understand all the "Go back to Work" protests, but I bet it's just going to result in a second wave of this mess.  

The only hard part for me is that I want a Braums' hamburger and french fries really bad.  With a coke.  If I thought I could trust the workers not to scratch their nose with their rubber gloves...I guess I could ask them to don new gloves.  That would irritate them for sure. 

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