Monday, April 13, 2020

This was a strange week.  One day we set a heat all time record for the day in Oklahoma City, 90 degrees.  And last night it was 29 degrees.  Thank goodness my cousin Ann reminded me to unhook my hoses outside.  The wind was so strong I could hardly stand up.

I had to dig up the tomatoes I planted.  I Potted them and brought them inside.  Have no idea when the weather is going to even out.  It's supposed to freeze again tonight.  

I think tornado alley has moved East.  Last spring and summer we didn't have much tornado weather at all in Oklahoma.  Lousiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennesee.  The "alley" moved east over those states. 

I hate it for them, but we've had our share here.  I wish nobody had to endure tornado weather.  I don't have a cellar.  I will have to go somewhere if the sirens blow.  I've got direct TV (?) and every time the weather is bad I lose my connection and don't know what's going on.  

Last year, one came right over the house.  With hail bigger than golf balls.  It didn't touch down, thank the Lord.  But it tore everyone's roofs up.  For months afterward there was no peace from the noise of roofers replacing shingles.  It went on for months and months.  Bang, bang, bang.  Every house on the block.

I crossed the street to watch the coverage on my neighbor's TV connection.  It was interesting watching it move toward our houses.  I really don't know what I'll do this year if the sirens blow.  Go to the cellar in a tight spot with dozens of people and maybe get exposed to the virus, or stay home in a closet.  I'm thinking I'll stay home.  I hope I don't have to replace my roof again.


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