Friday, September 4, 2020

Carolyn and I have been discussing snakes.  Specifically the assumed "snake" in the book of Genesis.  I have always assumed that the "Serpent" was a cunning, beautiful creature.  Genesis 3:1 says, "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast..."  

I can't believe Eve would have been tempted to engage conversation with an ugly thing.  Sin is always enticing.  Something that was called a Serpent appeared to Eve and tempted her.  What was this thing called a Serpent? Rev. 20:2, " angel..laid hold on..that old serpent which is the Devil...Satan...  

Lucifer was cast out of heaven and sent to earth. He was an angel.  Angels were beautiful.  We think they had wings.  There is no Biblical indication that Lucifer came to earth as a snake! It was Satan--a "serpent" who tempted Eve.

If Lucifer--Satan--is the "Serpent," he was a fallen angel and had not yet been cursed by God to crawl on his belly.  Hence:  Eve was not tempted by a snake.  She was tempted by a "Serpent."

Only then was the word "Serpent" transferred to assign a name  for something on its belly--which we assumed to be a snake.  The word snake is not used until Mark 16, when it mentions handling snakes.

Once the word "Serpent" is assigned to snakes by implication, the word "Serpent" was used for snakes in the rest of the Bible.  We use the two words interchangeably that way as well.  

I believe Eve was not tempted by a snake.  She was tempted by a serpent--the Devil--Lucifer, the fallen angel.  Who was then cursed to crawl on his belly.

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