Friday, September 25, 2020

I am glad it's Friday.  I've run out of things to write about.  It's been a bland week.  The weather has been awesome.

Four of my friends have been on the new point-count diet with Weight Watchers.  It's the first reasonable diet I've ever heard about.  Based on your height and BMI, you get a permanent point plan. I've always counted calories myself--but that is a Big Pain to do.  Adding numbers.

With the WW point count, you don't have to give anything up.  Just stay under your point assignment.  Every restaurant in America, every meal on their menu--has already been "Pointed" for you.  Pick up a menu, check your phone and order!  

The thing I like is that there is a huge list of foods you can eat that have zero points.  Chicken, fish, (don't fry them), eggs, almost all veggies and fruits.  You can eat stuff like that all day and have Ice cream if you want it.  It's not punitive if you want something that other diets tell you "No."

If I needed to lose weight, I'd go on that plan.  No, WW isn't having me promote it--I've just seen friends do really well on the plan.  When they want a donut, they eat one.  And count the points.  Everyone I know is on 23 points a day with no problem.  All are losing weight, eating out when they want to and doing well.  Getting their body healthy.

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