Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Today I get a new mattress.  About time.  The one I've been sleeping on looks like a double canoe.  When one side is all sunk in, I get the boys to rotate it.  Give it a chance to refresh itself.  

Since it is king-size and almost square, last time they rotated it, I had them do it only 90 degrees so I have the sideways foot of the bed now going up and down.   I am actually sleeping on the foot of the bed.

That was better, but it didn't last long.

I detest shopping.  But I finally did it.  I tried all those foam top types and they were too squishy.  I need extra-firm

After leaving the sleep center, I had it narrowed down to two.  I slept on the "foot" of my bed a couple of more nights just to be sure I Really needed a mattress and finally went back and spent an hour lying on those two before I finally bought one.

I'm sure it is the wrong one.

I really, really, really don't like to shop.

Today I am going to go through my decades of clothes and try to decide what to wear Thursday when I speak.  I'd rather be hung by my heels than go buy something new and have to shop for it.

"Consider the lilies...Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Luke 12:27  I'll just pull something off a hanger and hope for the best.

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