Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Checking Blogger Settings

 Pat came over and tried to set up a default for my blog.  Nope!!  My platform has decided what is good for me.  And what's good for me is good for everyone else as well.  I am very upset with them.

Every user comment is negative.  Everyone hates what they have done.  So what can we, I, do about it???  Nothing.

Sometimes life is like that.  You run into a brick wall.  When that happens, you have three choices.  1. Give up and sit there looking at the bricks.       2. Find another path and go around the problem. 3. Get a sledge hammer.  I'm in favor of a sledge hammer right about now.

The Corona virus has been the same kind of problem.  1. Talk about how bad the pandemic is.  2. Blame someone for the condition the country is in. 3. Demand your rights for your freedom.  4. Wear a mask.  5. Give up go on as normal, and decide everyone is going to get it anyway.

I just stay home and am thankful to God that I don't have to go to work anymore to live.  I don't know what I would have done back when I had a job and four children.  People are whipped by this thing.

No school.  How do you work and also teach children at home.  We are going to have an entire nation that missed a year of school???

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