Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Monday night was a killer.  Pouring down rain all night long.  Which meant Squig didn't sleep.  He shook.  Which meant I didn't sleep either.  I got up at midnight and gave him his anti-anxiety medication--but this rainstorm didn't let up until 9 the next morning and neither did the Squig shaking.

He finally crawled under a blanket and then panted because he was so hot.  It was a bad night for his human.  She couldn't comfort him.  Nothing worked.

You would think the thunder and lightening would have been what scared him.  But no...lightening and thunder roared and he was fine.  But when the raindrops hit the roof, he came unglued.

I wonder what makes dogs--and people--afraid?  Fear is an awful thing.

My mom was very afraid of tornados.  Probably because a tornado tore down main street of Pryor and killed over fifty people.  Back then we didn't have a warning system, so every black cloud meant we (me, my brother and mom) were going down the street where a neighbor had a cellar.  Everyone gathered there.  My dad and uncle Cleo would stand outside with the rest of the men and watch...and eventually give everyone an "All clear."

I have a scripture that means a lot to me.  "When you lie down, you shalt not be afraid; yea, lie down...and your sleep shall be sweet."  Proverbs 3:24.  I used to be afraid one of my children would quit breathing in the night and kept hopping up and down to check them until I was so exhausted I couldn't stay awake.  I had lost a child to crib-death--she quit breathing.  So when I found that scripture, I took it as my marching orders from God.  He says, "you shalt not be afraid...lie down."  It helped.  Give me a word from God to live by.  I'll do it.

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