Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 This morning, I let the dog out, turned the back porch light on and there were flashing lights on the ground like fireflies.  No rain, but there must have been some in the night because the tiny lights were sprinkles of water on the tips of the grass reflecting the porch light.  So pretty.  I had never seen anything exactly like that.

Pretty is all around us, but since we have been living in an ugly world this year, sometimes we fail--or forget--to notice it.

God is all around us, speaking to us.  "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the earth shows forth his handiwork...Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge.  There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard."

Day unto day.  Night unto night.  But we wander around in a fog sometimes.  It's reassuring that anyone, anywhere, can know that there is a "Someone" who did all of this.

God says, "If you seek me, you will find me."  That's pretty easy.  I wonder why the world isn't looking?  You only get a few days on this earth and then you are going to meet Him.  I think if I didn't already know Him, I'd start looking.  I think I'd start with the book of John.

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