Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 I ate at the Olive Garden for lunch yesterday and planned on being good the rest of the day.  But.....Becky called and asked me to come over for oxtail soup.  I'm figuring broth.  Lo-cal.

It was delicious, however, to go with it her nephew Chad who is currently living with them, baked a loaf of yeast bread.  The one thing I can't say "no" to.   

Today, I a going to repent.  The result of eating all of that food, (I'm not admitting to how many slices of bread I ate) is another pound in the wrong direction.

I am determined that I am not going to be part of some of the over 70 women in the USA and end up fat.  In their defense, when you retire, you don't have as active a life and it creeps up on you.

My friend Jeanette lost a huge number of pounds and she keeps a before and after picture in her purse to show anyone who doesn't believe it can be done.

Discipline, discipline, discipline.  Like I said, I'm repenting.  I only have one problem.  Chad sent a slice of bread home with me.  What was I thinking!!!

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