Friday, September 18, 2020

 Corona is one house down.   My neighbor went to check on his folks in Texas.  His dad was hospitalized and died from Corona while he was there, and my neighbor never made it home.  He got exposed, caught it and has been in the hospital in Texas ever since.  So sad.  

Gets real when it's someone you know.

He is such a nice guy.  His name is Jay. One night there was noise in my house in the middle of the night.  I called my realtor friend across the street, but he was in Colorado and couldn't check it out--so he called Jay.

Three in the morning, and Jay is at my door to tell me he is checking all around the house for me.  He has a gun and checked out everything.  I had never met Jay, but he stood at my door and said, "Hello, my name is Jay.  John called me to come help you."  I have great neighbors.

Turned out it was a raccoon in my attic.  

I don't like to hear that anyone is sick, but for sure I don't want someone to get sick that is willing to get out of bed at three in the morning to go help a frightened neighbor.  God give us more friends like that.

Exterminators trapped the raccoon.  Nasty critters.

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