Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I don't know any of the current names of famous people.  That is when you know that you are definitely "Over the Hill."  I don't know what happened to Spencer Tracey, Hedy Lamar, Deborah Kerr, or any other of the names that used to be up in lights at the theater.

I also don't know any of the "Shows" on TV.  I don't have Netflix or any other movie venue.  I watch Dr. Pol pull calves and mend broken legs. Or National Geographic explore jungles.  This morning I am watching Greek history in the "Drain the Ocean" series.  Which is interesting.

I knew the Mongols invaded Japan in the 1200's; what I didn't know was that 4000 of the Kublai Khan's (grandson of the Genghis Khan)ships were lost at sea in a weather disaster trying to invade Japan--dubbed a miracle by the Japanese who were greatly outnumbered and being slaughtered. 

Ancient history is interesting.  It gives insight into the animosity between China and Japan today--and the fight over Taiwan.

It's what is going on today in the world that escapes me.  What are the leaders of the world trying to accomplish?  Why do people want to rule the world.  When do you reach the point that the money in the billions is enough.  I'm content watching ancient history.  The Greeks seemed to have their act together.  Others seemed interested in power and war.  

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