Thursday, November 12, 2020

 I have been writing the story of my brother's life.  He mentioned that when he was recruiting people to move to China and help him with his medical work there, he warned them--that if they went to the movies and bought a corn dog that it would really be rat on a stick.  He told me he ate everything you can imagine.  To refuse food at a banquet was an insult to the Chinese.  Roasted maggots, fried scorpions, fish-eye soup, etc.  The Chinese said he had the stomach of a goat.  It was a compliment. 

This was way back when China wasn't open to any other countries.  He had gotten in by offering to show them new treatments and American medical technology.  They didn't have anything at the time.  No anesthesia except acupuncture. Medical equipment was primitive or nonexistent.

He eventually set up an exchange for doctors at Bowman Grey to come into China for two weeks to give on site training in just about everything.  Cyrus Vance, Sec. of State, was not happy.  Bill hadn't asked for Mr. Vance's permission.  He also came under scrutiny of the CIA. What he did  was a first.  Hard to believe that fifty years ago nobody could get into China.  He was a missionary in Macau and Hong Kong for 37 years.

They dubbed him The Macau Maverick.  Always pushing boundaries.  Crossing into restricted countries didn't seem to deter him.  It's a miracle that he wasn't thrown in prison.  Sharing Christ was a China no-no. 


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