Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 I don't like being stuck in the house.  But the mayor of Oklahoma City asked all of us to stay put for ten days and not have "in-person" groups.  I'm trying to be a good citizen, as well as not expose myself to the virus.

One of my friends from church who is 93 years old has been in the hospital with it for a month.  He has survived against all odds.  We old timers are in the high risk group.  I don't like the part where people are needing lung transplants.  I do not want to be sick.  I've had my share of that.  It's a bummer.  Staying well is my goal.

My friend Rebecca Perkins sent me three books to read.  She read the blog where I said that I wanted a Consecutive Gospel book.  She found one and mailed it along with two of her favorites from this year.  So I have something to read.  However the Gospel book is for brains and I am having trouble with all of the background information.  I took it to bed with me last night and only got through two or three pages.

I turn the TV on for background noise.  There certainly isn't anything to listen to. My neighbors are keeping me supplied with food.  My friend Jeanette brings me what I need when she goes to the grocery store.

I am so blessed.  I came here four years ago and didn't have any friends in Edmond.  Life is better with friends.  A guy I graduated from high-school with--he lives in Tulsa--calls every now and then, and talks about things he did when were young--that he should have been expelled for--and keeps me laughing.  He is a hoot.  He lived here in Edmond for years, taught at the church I go to, so we know people here in common.  Thank God for telephones, books, computers and Wheel of Fortune and friends!!

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