Thursday, November 19, 2020

 The young man--Stephen Draper--that stopped by and cut up and stacked my oak limbs--now has Covid. He was just out helping people. He has a four year old little boy as well as a daughter.  He says every breath feels like he is inhaling a blowtorch of fire.  He's a photographer for Channel 9.

Jay, the man two doors down from me, went to Texas to help his older parents.  They had Covid.  His father was subsequently hospitalized and died.  Jay caught the virus and has been on a ventilator down in Texas for over a month.  He passed away yesterday.  

Jay is the man that showed up at three in the morning because I thought someone was breaking into my house.  I had never met him but a neighbor I called, called Jay--who had a gun, inspected the house and premises and declared everything was ok.  I had a raccoon in the attic!!!  We have been friends ever since.  It makes me so sad to lose my neighbor.  He was one of the good guys.  Too young to die from Covid.

I was headed to the book store yesterday to get a copy of the chronological Gospels.  I want to read the four Gospels in the order things occurred.  I was talking to my brother Bill (doctor) and he said, "Don't go to the bookstore.  Don't."  He said the virus was out of control right now and exposure was almost guaranteed.  I didn't go.  I can wait two months for the vaccine.  Better safe (for a couple of months) than sorry--or dead.  

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