Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Nine o'clock last night the power came back on across the street.  My house guests were able to sleep in their own beds.  There's no place like home.  

Everyone has dozens of items that they put in a particular place and never have to wonder where that item is.  But in someone else's house, the question, "Where do you keep..." is the norm.  You are confused and spend way too much time "looking" for something.   I said to Jean, "Open closets, doors, cabinets and drawers.  My house is your house.  Once you know where everything is, it will get easier."  It did.  

Dean cleaned the filters in my Koi pond every day the first year I moved here.  I couldn't do it.  I would hear him in my back yard puttering around with the pump or filter--and thank God for such a wonderful neighbor.  I'm glad I finally got to help them, too.  They have both been like family since I moved to Edmond.

This is going to be a year to remember.  Or forget.  On the other hand, it may be good to get everything bad over in one year instead of stretching it out over two or three.

I'm having a hard time believing that it's November.  Nothing is normal--except for our God.  How do nonbelievers cope with no hope!!  

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