Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The streets are lined with tree limbs in stacks six to eight feet tall.  You can't use the sidewalks.  Everything is covered up with limbs.  And their leaves have dried and fallen off and are crumbling.  The air is filled with leaf dust.  Last night on the news, the weatherman said this area is in the fire danger red zone.  If any of the stacks of limbs catch fire, the whole area will burn.  There would no way to stop it.  Drying wood everywhere.

I will never forget the sound of the ice storm.  As the weight of the ice collected on the leaves of the trees, it was so heavy it broke huge limbs and for hour upon hour the air was filled with the sound of cracking limbs as they snapped and fell to the ground.

The chance of a person hearing a limb crack would normally be small.  But for days, the limbs cracked and fell every minute or two.  The snapping sound ringing in the air.  Limbs so large that I wasn't able to drag them to the street.  So large it took a chain saw manage their length.

You would think the ice storm would be over by now, but the city is just now starting clean up and I doubt they will reach my area for months and months.  If then.  Thousands and thousands of homes have limb debris stretching miles and miles down the streets.  And the countryside looks like someone dropped a bomb.  It's a mess.  

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