Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 Yesterday, I went to look at the estate sale that Becky is setting up.  I can't imagine how one person could have collected so much stuff in a three bedroom house.  Every inch in the kitchen was covered.

Every piece of Fostoria ever made, Tupperware, Pyrex, etc.... Stuff that had never been used stacked in the kitchen.  And one of the bedrooms with stuff on shelves from floor to ceiling with Christmas decorations engulfing the entire room.  Wreaths that were hand made, boxes of ribbons to make wreaths, and plastic boxes to store the wreaths in.

I came home with a new intent--get rid of things.  I have never put anything in the attic of any home I have lived in.  I also don't have anything in a storage shed except a wheelbarrow and a shovel.  So it won't be too hard.  

I never understood attics and sheds.  They just eat your stuff.  Once in there, whatever is there is useless.  I think someone out there in the real world might use some of it.  Give it away.  Or it will end up in an estate sale selling for next to nothing.  Your kids won't want your collections.  They have collections of their own.  

I was looking at my living room the other day, and aside from the piano, there is only one other thing I would keep.  It is something Becky made me out of the scraps from my bridesmaid's dresses.  A bouquet of little flowers shaped from the fabric.  Everything else--cranberry glass, Dresden, oil paintings, etc. are just stuff.  I gave my wedding dress to Lisa and she wore it in her wedding at least 25 years later.  Give stuff away.


1 comment:

  1. Give it away is good. I have advocated that you should move every 5 years because that is when you get rid of stuff. But that is not feasible, so just move everything into the yard and then move back in the stuff you want to keep.
