Tuesday, November 10, 2020

My class has been slogging through the Old Testament book of Isaiah.  It is an often quoted book, but you have to read three or four chapters to get to a quotable verse.

The staff that decides what is in our quarterlies has some desire for us to get through the entire Bible in five years.   I don't know who thought that idea up.  If you were a new learner, you would give up.  It's war, war, war.  Rebel, get punished, repent.  Rebel, get punished, repent.

If I was in charge of content, I would choose New Testament writings with a dab of Old Testament.  A "little dab'll do ya."  (Brill Cream--for those of you who are too young to remember.)

The entire Bible is important--no doubt about that.  But some parts are more relevant to us than others.  Salvation, Application, Growth.  In that order.  History is not at the top of the list for new Christians.

Okay.  I'm done complaining about quarterlies.  In three weeks, the weekly quarterlies will be over the book of Luke.  I love Luke, so I'll be a happy camper.  I think my difficulty with Isaiah is that it requires so much more effort to prepare the lesson and make it interesting.

Maybe I'm just lazy?

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