Monday, November 9, 2020

 It's Monday again.  The election is over.  I have not written about it and don't intend to.  It made me weary.  I've voted for president fifteen times in my life.  Sometimes presidents do good things, sometimes not so good.  It doesn't seem to matter which party they belong to.

My yard has no broken limbs--they are all cut into six foot lengths and stacked up on the street.  But underneath where they were lying are a zillion acorns.  You can't even see the grass for the acorns.

It has cost $572.00 so far.  Not covered by insurance of course.  I asked my agent (my daughter-in-law Stacy) why the home insurance rates in Edmond are so astronomically much higher than Pryor.  She told me that Edmond was the center of America for wind, sleet, ice, tornados, roof damage, broken fences, etc. etc.  Rates are based on disaster.

This year, I think it is Louisiana.  Five hurricanes so far.  Living without power for two days was bad.  I wonder if Louisiana is going to be like Puerto Rico with power down for years?

Edmond area still doesn't have power in some places.  The man who rototills my garden and mulches my flower beds worked on my yard for six hours Saturday and still isn't through.  He said he doesn't have power yet.  I don't know how Louisiana is doing it.  Highest hurricane year yet.  

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