Thursday, November 26, 2020

 I had quite a hectic, unusual day yesterday.  I flat forgot to post.  Today, I'll just wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.  I'm staying home.  I had someone tell me I was living in fear of Covid.  They obviously don't know me at all.  I would say I am very sensible and cautious.  

I don't remember ever being afraid of anything since my mom used to drag me to the cellar in a tornado warning--and later, when back in Oklahoma by myself with three kids (Ken was in Viet Nam) trying to get them to the cellar by myself when the whistle blew.  Protecting my chicks from possible harm.  The whistle was worse than the storm.

I truly do not like surprises.  I like careful planing so that all outcomes which are negative can be avoided.  That is not fear.  I call that wisdom.

I've lived through too much to be afraid of anything.  The worst thing that can happen to someone is to be stupid--and endanger yourself or others when you could have prevented harm. It disrupts your family's lives. 

I opt for wisdom and prevention.  Perhaps, because I have fifteen or more major scars and stitches on the "container" God put me in, I am careful.  Only one of those scars was an accident. Live and learn. 

I'm headed for heaven one way or another.  God's taken care of that.  I just want to enjoy the here and now without being too difficult for those around me.  Like all older people, I want to take care of myself until the expiration date on the bottom of the carton has expired. 


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