Thursday, January 28, 2021

 Everyone is buying guns.  Supposedly to protect themselves.  Ken always said, "You don't need a gun for protection unless you always keep it loaded.  By the time you load it, the emergency will be all over."

My only experience with a loaded gun was a few months after I married Ken.  When I got home from work, Ken's car was in the driveway.  Which was unusual.  He always stayed on the field waving planes in--to hook wire--until it was dark.

I called to him as I walked in the door.  He didn't answer so I went into the bedroom.  He was lying on the bed, sweat running off his forehead, with a Luger pointed at me.

I said, "That's not funny," and walked over and took the gun by the barrel.  It was loaded.  He was running a a high fever, thought he was in Korea and someone was coming for him.

Later, he remembered nothing.  "I could have killed you," he said.

"The gun's going out," I said.

So far I haven't needed it.  I wouldn't want a Luger anyway.

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