Thursday, January 21, 2021

 Had an early morning appointment.  Blogging comes in order with a number of early morning rituals.

If I miss something in the order of the list...well...I miss it.

I did go to bed last night with something finished.  The book about my grandmother is ready to print.

But the publisher still won't put any books out.

"When you are ready to sit in a bookstore and sign books, I'll spend the money to advertise."  Is her position.

Covid has messed up a million things.  I'm not going to sit and sign books until I get my second shot.  So...I am very frustrated.

The publisher wants the money from book sales.  I just want the book out there!  We are at odds.

I get the second shot on the fifth of February.  Then we'll find out it the publisher is really ready to go to print.  Carolyn told me that someone once said, "If you can't possibly find anything else to do...then, and only then...become an author.  I now understand that.  I just thought you wrote.  Nope.  That's the easy part.

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