Wednesday, January 27, 2021

 I am set up for a procedure on my back next month. will kill pain.  But that is always suspect.  I haven't heard anyone say that their back procedures work very well.  

At this point, I don't have anything to lose.  At my age, things don't seem to get better.  Was it the movie "Benjamin Button" that the man lived his life in reverse and was old and worn out when he was born--then got younger and younger?

That would be ok if you got smarter and smarter as you got younger and younger.

I do understand the phrase I heard old-timers use back when I was a child.  "I've got a hitch in my git-along."

I'm just glad that my fingers are pain free.  That is a blessing.

We need to concentrate on the things we can be thankful for instead of the things that go wrong.

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