Friday, January 8, 2021

Got the call this morning to come in.  Got the vaccine.  No side effects.  Glad to finally get it.  28 days and I'll get the second one.

I can't believe that the long wait for a vaccine finally is here.  Pray God that this is the last pandemic for awhile so we can go back to a somewhat normal future.

It will take a long time for small businesses to recover.  I am ready to eat out, my plan is to eat out three meals a day.  Ha!

World economics are in disarray.  When people don't have money to spend, products don't get made and sold and manufacturing jobs are lost--sometimes permanently.  And jobs don't just fall out of the sky.  They have to come from somebody investing in production--and they have to get startup money from a bank.

Right now, banks are hesitant to make loans on businesses that seem destined to fail.

God is on his throne.  Budget what you have.  Help others if you can. 

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