Thursday, January 7, 2021

I finally figured out how to get the vaccine.  You have to know someone.  If you have a friend in the medical business--nurse, ET, etc.  Call them.  They know where you should go.

It may not be in your county, but who cares.  The point is to get the thing.  I find it interesting that intelligent people aren't going to get it.  It's the same as refusing a measles shot, or a polio shot.  My brother who is an MD said, "Duh...get the first one you can!  No brainer."

If someone wants to make fun of your concern about this virus, they say things like,"Did you know that the deaths from cancer and heart attacks are dropping dramatically.  Did you know that it's because all the doctors in America are saying that people are dying of Covid instead of heart attacks and cancer because they get more money that way."  People actually believe things like that.  The fact that the total death rate in the world is off the charts doesn't seem to matter.  They believe the stats are propaganda.  They believe that the companies that sell PPE, etc. have dreamed this up as a scheme to make money.

Visit your local hospital and watch medical personal on their second shift of the day.  Listen to those people on the front line.  Stop listening to the propaganda from the political parties. 


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