Monday, January 11, 2021

 The guys who removed my 8 foot tall 20 foot long stack of tree limbs brought their lift arm down on my brick mailbox and cracked the top.  

Now comes the hard part--getting the city to fix it.  I texted Craig and asked him to call them because past experience tells me I would get nowhere.  

I've got two strikes against me.  (You girls will understand.)  1. I'm a woman.  2.  I'm an old woman.

What are the odds that they will fix it?  Not good.  Probably will tell Craig that I should be happy they picked up the limbs.

They left a zillion leaves and acorns for me to deal with.  I would call someone to help rake it all up if I knew who to call.  So far I've tried three people with no luck.

In twenty six days I'm going out to eat every day for at least a week.  The vaccine may not work perfectly, nobody seems to know. But it's going to be good enough for me.  I'm done with this pandemic.  Tired of it.  Ready for it to go away.  I hope God hears our prayers for that.

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