Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Mitch and Joe Biden have been friends for a long time.  They have a history of working together even though they are on different sides of the aisle.  Maybe they can agree on something--anything--that will benefit the American public.  I hope so.

I was thinking the other day what I really want from the government and the top of the list was Peace.  At home and abroad.  The second thing I want is safety.  At home and abroad.  

The third is civility, and the fourth is roads without holes in them.  I love having a fire department--they will install smoke alarms in your home free of charge and be on the spot if one of them goes off.

I like sidewalks, street lights, libraries, schools, parks, and a zillion other things we as a people provide for citizens.

What I don't like is unnecessary taxes.  Why does the government tax you to get a license to get married?  It is an institution of the church, not the state.  Why do the taxes on my house go up every year.  I own it and paid tax to buy it.  Why do they tax groceries--the one thing the poor have to have.  And every time the Congress raises their benefits and salaries and retirement, I wonder...who is watching over the politicians who are supposed to be serving us.  What does the oversight committee do...?

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