Friday, January 29, 2021

    When I went out to get the paper this morning, it was dark, and there was a full moon.  God just keeps the world turning, the sun coming up and the moon in the sky.

    Scientists want to argue about evolution of the species.  I want to hear  the evolutionist explain where they think the earth and space came from so that "their" evolution could occur.  Just think of it...planets, moons, suns, stars, galaxies, black holes, meteorites, asteroids....and on and on.  Things are in "space."  Almost all cite the big bang.  I have no problem with the physics of that.  But.....where did this big bang occur?

    For me, the question is---If you don't believe in a supreme creator (which I do) to argue about evolution is pointless unless you can first explain to me where evolution might occur?  (I am not an evolution theorist) Where did "space" came from?

    The question is, "Can something come from nothing?"  If you go on-line, there are dozens and dozens of great minds trying to answer that. They eventually run out of ideas.  I've listened to many, many, many of their lectures.  They get a group together of brilliant minds and discuss it--They are interesting...but they can't come up with an answer that all of them agree on.  Actually they have no answers, just theories.  But you and I have the answer.  There is a supreme creator.  God.   

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