Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I am ready to get back to writing about my brother's life.  I quit working on it three months ago.

Now, I have to reread it to figure out where I was...

I am the world's most prolific procrastinator.  I never finish what I start in one sitting.  I have a dozen things going all at once and on any given day will finish one of them.

My projects are in all stages of disarray.

But I do finish them.  I work on some part of each project every day.

I have the attention span of a gnat.

Yesterday, it was paper---because---the inevitable is coming.  Taxes.

That is something that I can't procrastinate.

It's like a day is out there...looming over you...narrowing down to engulf you in horrible details.

It's easier to just drink tea and write.

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