Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Went brain dead yesterday.  And by the time my friend Rebecca Perkins sent me a note----"You didn't post,"  I was at the doctor's office for an appointment.  Which of course, I had to wait for an hour after they were supposed to see me.

Sunday, we talked about Jesus as a twelve year old boy.  From the time of his birth--and fleeing to Egypt--there is nothing.  Nothing...until he is twelve.  There are people who say that Jesus knew everything because he was God.  Not true.  He was a kid like every other kid, playing kick the can, climbing trees, working in the carpentry shop along with Joseph. 

When he was twelve, his family had gone to the Passover in Jerusalem, Jesus went to the temple and sat down to listen to the teachers and ask questions.  You don't ask questions if you know it all.

And in Luke 2:52, it says that after he went home with his folks to Nazareth, "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."  You can't increase in something you already know.  

We hear one thing about him at the age of twelve, then nothing--until he is thirty.  Then, full of wisdom, he began to teach.  When he prays in the garden, and sweats blood, the full weight of his human purpose is bearing down on him.  He is going to die for our sins.  On a cross.

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