Wednesday, January 6, 2021

 I've spent two days trying to get signed up for a covid vaccine.  Nobody seems to know where to go or what to do.  In the middle of one session on line, discovered I had dialed a covid site that was a spammer.

They don't seem to limit what county you can get it in, but every county has its own system.  And when you call, you can't get through.  The line is busy.  Some friends in Pryor finally gave up on the phone, walked into the health center and got the vaccine.

They are now vaccinating phase 2, and I am in phase 1--with no contact in any way or information from anywhere as to what or where or how to activate that.

When the Polio vaccine was introduced, it was orderly, you were informed, sites were given where you could get it immediately, and it went off smoothly.  The covid vaccine on the other hand is a national mess.  Nobody in charge, no contact information for citizens.  Random pop up doses with no pre-knowledge of where they are.  

Contacting your doctor doesn't seem to help.  My doctor works in a hospital where the vaccine was being given to the public, and she knew nothing about it.  Neither did CVS or Walgreens.  I'm appalled at the condition of our National health system's inadequacy to pull this off.

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