Tuesday, February 23, 2021

After Ken retired--twenty one years in the Marine Corps and another 30+ years teaching college--if you asked him what he was planning on doing the next day, he would say, “I plan on getting up with nothing to do and going to bed with it half done.”

I read a comment in Reader’s Digest that fits my plans for what I am going to do tomorrow.  “I’m going to finish procrastinating the things I didn’t get finished procrastinating yesterday.”

That’s one of the things I love about being retired.  After moving all over the United States and back again every time Ken was transferred (I’ve moved 27 times in my life), and raising four kids, going to school, teaching full time and running a house with a million things to do everyday, I never seemed to catch up with it all and never had a minute to just do nothing.

Now, nothing is pressing.  Calm reigns.  I love it.  It is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Time to think.  Time to just “be.” 

On the other hand, after a hectic life, I admit that sometimes it is boring.  But boring is good.  I like it.  Time to write is a bonus.  I don’t know that any of the things I write are memorable, but I enjoy doing it.

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