Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Where is God?  People say He is in heaven and point up, but that is "down" for the other side of the earth.  Where is heaven?  Is it all around us?  Where will the kingdom be?  The Bible says "A new earth."  

Others say he is everywhere.  If so, our loved ones who have passed are with him...are they everywhere too?  Those who know me say I think too much.  Probably.  We are not only body, but spirit.  I'm not sure what the spirit looks like...can you only see the spirit with spiritual eyes?

Where do you look when you pray?  Or maybe you close your eyes.  I look up at the ceiling when I have already gone to bed.  I look through an east window at the sky when I am sitting in my chair.  I like it when the sun is coming up. I never close my eyes unless I'm in a group. I don't know why.

Jesus says he will be coming from the east, so the east seems a good direction to check in the mornings??

I'm ready for a new heaven and a new earth.  I am appalled by the level of open debauchery and sin in the world.  I didn't grow up in a world like we have now.  There are no curse words left to be banned by TV.  I was watching a film on TV of a mob, and every curse word you can think of was used.  There were no warnings ahead of time that it was coming.  God's name is no longer considered holy by the general public.  Sad.

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