Monday, February 15, 2021

On Sunday, I read a verse to my class that I had heard my husband Ken teach a lesson on.  When  Ken told about his experience, it made the verse come alive.

Luke 7, parts of the verses from verse 2-7.  "A centurion's servant..was sick and ready to die." He said, "Lord, trouble not yourself; for I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof....just say a word and my servant shall be healed."  Then in verse 8 the centurion says, "I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say..go and he goes; and to another, come, and he comes; and to my servant, do this and he does it." The centurion was a ranking officer of Rome.

Ken said that when he was the commanding officer of a Marine squadron, he had many men under him who obeyed his orders to "Go, come, and do."  Ken followed that statement and said that the centurion--who commanded hundreds of men--was telling Jesus, "I know the power of your authority.  You have the power to do whatever you decide to do.  When you say "go, come, or do" your word is final.  You are God."

Ken said, "I served as a commanding officer in the United States Marine Corps as a Lt. Colonel due to appointment by a higher power.  And in that position I had the full authority of the United States government behind every order I gave."

The centurion recognized that Jesus had the full power of God behind every word Jesus uttered.  And even though he never met Jesus, he knew that nobody could do the things Jesus did unless appointed by God.

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