Thursday, February 18, 2021

 I got up with one thing to do...taxes.  Which, since I am so disorganized with paper, meant that I had to go through every piece of paper, bills, receipts, etc. from the last year.

Which I did.  Shredding.  Sorting.  Stapling.

It is in order.  Now all I have to do is to do it.

That's the hard part. 

I've been applying what Paul said to my own life this week--as I've been stuck inside.  

I thought that after I got the second shot, that ten days later, I could return to my normal life. got the storm of a lifetime.  Worst on record.  29 degrees below wind chill factor.  13 below actual temperature.  There are at least 8 inches of packed snow on my roof, and the yard and driveway have six inches.  I'm wondering if the roof will fall in from the weight??

Paul said, "For the good that I would do...I don't do.  But the bad which I would not do...that, I do."  Romans 7:19 (My paraphrase)

Which applies.  I am looking at all my paper...I'm just not doing anything with it--like filling out my tax forms.

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