Thursday, February 11, 2021

This weekend we are going to have the blizzard of a life-time.  30 below zero.  After a week of sub-zero numbers.  It is really cold.  They say it will break an all time record low temp.  Can't wait till this is over.  I hope my heating system doesn't give out.  It's been running for hours and hours without a break just trying to keep up.

It was so cold last night that Squig stayed underneath the covers all night curled up in a ball.

He doesn't like his jacket.  It zips up--and he doesn't want to wait until I get it on him--until he goes outside and then--he likes it.

He sleeps most of the day now.  He is getting old.  Thirteen next month.  Over 90 in dog years.  If he isn't sleeping, he wants me to give him a rub-down in his shoulders and neck.  I'm sure he hurts, but he never complains.  He just closes his eyes and sighs.

I understand the feeling.

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