Wednesday, February 3, 2021

I have been working on the book I am writing about my brother.  I have taken pages and pages of notes, but putting it together in some form that someone would want to read has been difficult.

There are so many isolated incidents--usually unrelated to anything.

Today I wrote about one of them.  In the upper mountains of China, there was a village where the Yao women had huge mounds of hair on their heads.  A perfect example of "top-heavy."

They kept their ancestors hair and handed it down through generations, weaving it into their own.  A type of ancestor worship.

Once a month, all the women gathered at a small brook for a hair washing ritual.

Cultural differences such as that were a picture-taking opportunity for the volunteers my brother took into China.

He was always recruiting doctors, nurses, EMTs and such to donate their time and help set up clinics in rural villages.  And there was an unending supply of people who wanted to go with him.  Bill was looking for permanent people who would come back.  For most it was a vacation.

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