Friday, February 19, 2021

I have posted, as of today, 2113 times.  I am sure I am repeating myself by now.  What started as an explanation of the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis has evolved....

I just wanted to tell everyone how it might have happened.  Since we know that dinosaurs lived, (and that the Bible is true), it seemed good to me to place those animals before verse two.  Back when God created the heavens and the earth...

And then something happened that wiped everything out all at once sixty-six million years ago.  Probably the asteroid that hit the earth on the north edge of S. America on the gulf.  There are traces and evidence of that event all over the earth.  Darkness of burning smoke and chemicals were in the atmosphere and lasted sixteen years.  I have written a booklet on the subject, and if you are interested go back in my blogs to read that.

Then God looked down and decided to reconstruct the wobbling, sloshing mess we call earth.   "And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep, (waters)."

So God began to "Reconstruct--not create--the earth."  After verse two, the first chapter of Genesis is the story of that reconstruction...and the story of us.

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