Thursday, February 25, 2021

My neighbor who lives across the street that is always bringing me something for dinner--she finally let me buy Chinese for us.  Finally. 

I had given her my credit card last year so that when she went to the grocery store, she could charge what few things I needed.  But she wouldn’t charge dinner and bring it home for us...which meant that I couldn’t ever return the favor.  But I’m persistent, and she finally gave in.  She used my card to buy our lunch.  Chinese.  Delicious.

People have been so good to me during the pandemic, and the ice storm during October, and the week of freezing weather and snow.  I don’t know how other older people who couldn’t get out of their houses made it.

Becky brought me breakfast this morning.  She is trying to coax me into eating more protein.  But I don’t like milk products--at all.  I force myself to eat eggs.   If it is sweet, I don’t want it.  Jeannine brought me peanut butter cookies last night.  Those are the only cookie I will eat and she knows it...everyone is trying to get food down me.  Jeanette brought sweet and sour chicken over rice yesterday. 

Wednesday is bean day for Linda Kerley.  She lets me make the cornbread---so I am not totally useless.  They are all such a blessing. 

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