Thursday, February 4, 2021

The righteousness of the people on the sides of the two parties that select our nominees for government positions is sometimes hard to swallow.  Everyone on both sides in this past selection was so bloody righteous.

I failed to hear a real discussion of issues in the process.  People on both sides just jabbed and poked and prodded each other.  It created a very caustic environment that lingers.  "Something is wrong with YOU."  

People attacked their friends and family members who didn't agree with their choices.   It finally wore me out.  I quit listening to those people. 

I grew up in an age where the conventions selected their nominees.  They decided who was qualified and who would run.  In the fifties, that ceased.  TV became the format for selection. You got on TV, said what ever you wanted to, and promised things you couldn't ever hope to do.

Eventually the TV stage and forum became a place to stab and demean your opponent--not to discuss ideas and platforms. One-liners now rule.  Just get on TV, and rout out your opposition.  The parties lost control.

Who knows what anyone really stands for anymore.  All I heard--was what was wrong with the other side.  Not what anyone earnestly believed in and what could actually make things better each day for the American public.

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