Monday, February 8, 2021

Can't wait to get out there again and do something go to the grocery store, eat at Olive Garden, get the oil changed in my car or something equally exciting.  See people's faces.

I hope this vaccination turns the country into normal again.  Whatever normal is.  Some people have a reaction to the second shot.  I didn't even know I got the first one--I didn't even feel the needle or have soreness.  But I was one of the unlucky ones on the second shot.  Misery lasted one day...I'll give up one day to live the next year vaccinated.

Everyone has been so good to bring me food.  One day last week, I had home baked bread for breakfast--Becky Bacon.  Soup for lunch--Jeannine Bryce across the street.  Lemon ravioli for a snack--Daughter Becky.  And Chinese chicken something or other for supper--Jeanette Harder.

Friends.  What a blessing.  And my daughter Pat called to say she was taking a day off work to drive me and bring my home next week when they do the medical ablation thing-a-ma-jig on my back. 

I've had seven ablations already on my heart.  None of them worked--so I hope--with reservation--that this works on my back.  I'm applying the power of positive thinking along with prayer.  It doesn't cure the problem, it just cuts the "power-cord" that transmits pain.  Works for me.

Old people stoop over and look "bent" because they hurt.  I used to think they were broken...they aren't.  But when people look "funny" we assume they are stupid as well.  My bad.



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