Thursday, August 19, 2021

Bad night last night.  Squig got up six times to go outside.  He was really sick.  Of course ‘Moi’ got no sleep.  He is calmed down a little bit this morning.  They sprayed my yard for army worms, maybe he ingested some grass that was poison?  Dogs seem to like to eat grass from time to time???

My friend Jeanette embroidered some squares to make a quilt forty years ago and never got it finished.    Little animals, giraffes, hippos, etc.  She did a beautiful job.  We went to the quilt shop to see how they would quilt around the animals and how much it would cost.

Then we went shopping for outline fabric and couldn’t find a thing she or I liked.  We are going to try again today.  Interesting that out of hundreds of bolts of cotton cloth at Hobby Lobby there wasn’t a pattern that was right.  Women!!  We are so picky.

Teachers Meeting last night.  Six men and me.  Men don’t think like I do.  They listen and take notes.  I ask questions and every one of them look at me like I’m in left field.  Maybe I am.  But last week not one of them could articulate what makes them angry, or why they get angry.  Last night they had an was what I told them last week.  You, or someone, or something you care about have been disrespected in some way.

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