Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Facebook is depressing.  Full of people denigrating our elected leaders--locally and nationally.  Also, negative one-way-or-another comments on people who either believe in the vaccine--or those who are doubtful.

It would be wonderful if we could trap all of the venom on issues such as that and direct it toward something positive.  People on both sides seem to have a gut-response-urge to convince the other side that they are wrong.  Why???  Why are people so stirred up that they have to vent?

Every time I look at Facebook, someone is belittling someone.  Making fun of them.  Saying something bad about them.  I don’t get it, unless they were schoolyard bullies growing up.

I don’t care which side of an issue you are on.  Just stop running down the people on the other side.  It makes you look bad.

Every day, someone sends me “The Truth” article on some subject.  I’ve never seen anything like this.  Such passion to convince me to “Get on Their Side” of some issue or another.

I wish people would have the same enthusiasm to tell others that God loves them; Jesus died for them, and we are all going to have to explain ourselves to God someday.  That would be worth talking about.

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