Monday, August 9, 2021

We only had five people in class yesterday.  It is much easier to teach when there are more people there.  That way, nobody thinks you are talking to them or about them.  With only five, it’s harder.

I spent two months teaching the book of Job--which could have been covered in one session.  In three more weeks our lesson book goes back to the New Testament and the Gospel. Thank goodness.  Philippians.

Yes, the entire Bible is good.  But some parts are better than others.  If the passage doesn’t have something in it that I can apply to my life to make me a better person, I lose interest.  I know...I know...I’m not supposed to say things like that.  But it’s the truth.

I could have summed the book of Job up in three thoughts.  1.  Bad things happen to good people.  2.  We don’t get to decide what happens, God does.  3.  He doesn’t always share His plan with us.

It is full of philosophy rendered by Job’s friends--who don’t know what they are talking about.  It’s like wading through quicksand trying to separate their opinions from the truth.

I learned some things I didn’t know--and that is always a good thing.  So I’ll repent of my attitude.  I’m just ready to teach the gospel.  Jesus.  His disciples.  People who were there and tell their stories.  Paul and his amazing letters.  It’s like Paul Harvey...I want “the rest of the story.”



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