Tuesday, August 3, 2021

I think I learned how to save something on a flash-drive.  If I learn one thing every day or two, maybe I can do something by myself someday on this Mac.  I’m always afraid that I will hit a key and never be able to get back to where I was.  Or  that I will lose what I’m writing.

My friend Jeanette came over and helped me.  She was an executive trouble shooter for a big corporation and knows how to do stuff.  Which is nice for me, because when I got in a jam, I had been having to drive thirty miles to get my daughter Pat to help me.  Which was at least once a week.  Craig helps me as well.  (Becky’s husband.)  

But the problem is that when I need help, I need it right then.   (I have the patience of a gnat.)  And my helpers aren’t always available at my “right then” moments. 

I once told Ken’s mom that I prayed for patience all the time.  She said, “Oh!! Don’t pray for patience.  The Bible says that tribulation teaches you patience---so you are really just praying for more tribulation.”

In effect, you just need to exercise the patience you can muster up in the moment.  Take a deep breath.  Wait before you react.  If I live to be a hundred and ten, maybe I’ll get there.

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