Wednesday, August 25, 2021

I made chicken salad for a couple of my friends who were here today.  I sent the rest to the neighbors and to my grandson across the street.  He likes my chicken salad.  I make it with cranberries and pecans...

I have been editing the book I have written about my brother Bill.  I gave a copy to my pastor, Blake Gideon, to read and Sunday he told me he was really enjoying it and quoted several sections that he thought were funny.  He is going to see if he can get the International Mission Board to publish it.  

If he does, the proceeds can go to Lottie Moon.  She was a missionary who gave her life to go overseas back when very few did.  Baptists pay the salary for all their missionaries out of tithes to the church.  So missionaries don’t have to come back to America to stump for money.  

The Christmas Lottie Moon offering goes for things that missionaries need in addition to living expenses.  Such as a heavy duty bike in areas where there are no roads.  Or equipment to drill a well, etc.  Extras that you and I take for granted.

I have found out ton of stuff about my brother that I didn’t know while writing this book.  The mission board dubbed him “The Macau Mavrick.” Because he always found a way to bypass the rules.  Which almost got him “dead” a few times.  He was underground, going into China before they let people in--being a doctor, they wanted his expertise.  He started missions in Asia.    

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